Friday, July 27, 2007

Thingy from Rachel

Hi, my name is: Andrea

When I'm nervous: I get migraines and/or nauseous.

The last song I listened to was: Free by Plumb.

If I were to get married right now my Best Man/Maid of Honor would be: Maybe Shannon.

By this time next year: I hope I'm someone else.

I have a hard time understanding: Computer stuff. But I learned about USB hubs yesterday. As long as I know how to do what I need to do, I'm not going to worry about it.

If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: Depends on what kind of an award it was.

Most recent thing I’ve bought myself: I got some conditioner at Target

Most recent thing someone else bought me: Ummm...Jennie gave me some FunDip yesterday, but she didn't actually buy it either. Shannon bought my dinner one day last week.

My favorite redhead is: I don't really know any redheads. Swoosie Kurtz!

My favorite blonde is: Two people...Zoe and Addie.

The last person I kissed was: I dunno. I may have kissed one of the kids when were in O'boro.

My middle name is: Rachel.

The last person I called was: Shannon.

The last person that called me was: My dad.

In the morning I: take a shower, pee, get dressed, brush my teeth

Last night I was: sleeping through small group. Oops. I knew I stopped taking naps for a reason.

If I was an animal I'd be: a gerbil? I don't know.

Tomorrow I am: Probably going to the gym. Other than that, who could say? It's a day away.

Tonight I am: Going to the gym and then watching some Arrested Development with Shannon.

I'm going to miss: Gilmore Girls. I watched it from the very beginning and while it got weird later, it was still pretty good. Where will I get really strange pop culture references and fast chatter now?

My favorite color is: periwinkle. Which to me is a little more blue than this, but more purple than this.

My heart is: beating.

I'm excited about: getting a new computer at work.

50 Things

I finally finished these. Like two weeks after everyone else. Whatever. I suck at life, blah blah fishcakes.

1. I am such a procrastinator.

2. I LOVE to give people presents.

3. Due to my procrastinating, sometimes I give people presents late. :)

4. I love things that taste like bananas, but I can't stand bananas. The texture and consistency are all wrong.

5. I am very particular about foods. Generally when I won't eat things, it's not about how it tastes, but how it feels. Case in point, peaches. They are too mushy and also it's very weird that they are fuzzy. But I like things that taste like peaches.

6. Stupidity is one of my pet peeves. So I really hate it when I say stupid things, because then I have to loathe myself.

7. I am not as patient as I would like to be.

8. I am probably one of the palest people you know.

9. It has always bugged me that I am super pale with freckles like a redhead, but I didn't get the red hair.

10. When I was a kid, I read all the Anne of Green Gables books at least 8 times. This may have contributed to my desire for red hair.

11. I love reading and generally do it pretty quickly.

12. I have the song Mary Did You Know? stuck in my head right now. Random.

13. I stink at math, but apparently no one I work with believes me because I do math all the time and even have my own printing calculator.

14. I am attempting to teach myself to crochet. I am no good at crafts. But I do know that I totally have the first step down, it's the part that comes after chain stitching that is giving me trouble.

15. I should perhaps have picked a different hobby to take up, since I have two cats. They only want the yarn I am working with, not the yarn I cut and throw at them.

16. My cats are sisters and they both had giardia and ringworm when I got them from the shelter. I am such a sucker.

17. I got ringworm right after I got my cats. It's very, very itchy.

18. I had my tonsils removed when I was 22. It was less than fun.

19. When I was little, I thought my dad looked like Harrison Ford.

20. I am really picky about movies. I will watch most anything, but I rarely give glowing reviews.

21. I will watch anything repeatedly on television. I will continue to tune in each week for a bad show. I think I give TV shows more leeway than movies because even if this week's episode is dumb, they get another chance next week and it could be better. Apparently I expect the people who make movies to get it right the first time, since they only get one shot. Or at least, they should. Also, I would have called that movie Baker's Dozen.

22. When I was little, I thought my mom looked like the SunMaid Raisin lady.

23. I can't stand raisins, alone or in anything, but I love Raisin Bran. No, really. That's the only way I ever eat raisins.

24. I wouldn't eat salad until I was eighteen.

25. I used to be able to embroider. My grandma was so proud.

26. I can generally remember a lot of stuff. Like stuff no one else remembers happening.

27. When other people cry it makes me cry.

28. The human interest stories on the news have really been getting to me lately. Damn you and your piece on the girl whose entire family died in a crash caused by a drunk driver, Good Morning America! Apparently I should not watch the news before work anymore.

29. Americans' taste in movies is making me sad. Wild Hogs should never have done as well at the box office as it did. Despite the fact that I love bad movies, they have to be good bad movies. Figure it out.

30. Speaking of good bad movies, I secretly love Bring It On. Guess it's not a secret anymore...

31. I got a new desk at work this week. I got a new chair last week and a new monitor that is as big as the tv in my bedroom. Freaking awesome. I am also supposed to be getting a new computer before the day is out today. We'll see if the guy shows up.

32. I love old people. I think they are adorable.

33. I did an elliptical machine at the gym this week. It's a lot harder than the bikes, but I stuck it out.

34. I'm pretty sure I have zero pain tolerance. But I could be wrong.

35. Is it wrong that I think this is funny, even though I think I should be mildly offended that Kentucky got what it got? Eeww.

36. Having a DVR makes me want to record crap that I would otherwise never even watch, just because I can.

37. I found my Chuck Lawson t-shirt last weekend when I was cleaning out old crap at my parents' house. I didn't throw it out, because it makes me laugh. If only I had a blacklight!!

38. I embarrass myself constantly. See above.

39. I want to know how pad Thai food is different from the food I order at the Thai restaurant, but the menu doesn't explain in good detail.

40. Only ten more to go and I am drawing a blank. I love to learn crap, but I hated college. It made me miserable.

41. I was watching crappy tv the other day and this character kept correcting others' grammar. Then she answered the phone and when someone asked for her, she said, "This is her." Inconsistent! That should have been caught and fixed. Stupid old WB show.

42. I used to play the flute and then the clarinet. Sort of. When I felt like it. Reeds are gross. I changed mine all the time.

43. I used to be extremely anal about things like that. Also, band was the only time I ever sat up straight.

44. I ate 700 popsicles the summer I was 17. I should probably have gotten a cavity.

45. It will be three years in August since I cut at least 15 inches off my hair. I've been growing it back out ever since.

46. I've picked up the habit my dad has where you make something up if you don't know the answer. Most people don't notice that I'm making things up. Sometimes I tell them.

47. I always thought I sucked at lying and hiding things. I was wrong. I am an excellent secret keeper when I want to be.

48. I have trouble keeping myself together, but I am really good at helping people get organized. Also, cleaning.

49. I want to buy a bookcase for my house so I can stop keeping my books in a box. I am afraid my cats will knock it over and hurt themselves.

50. I think I should start fixing my hair again. I haven't actually fixed my hair more than three times since I was 19. Wow. I didn't realize it had been that long until just now.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Do you have ovophobia?

I keep losing my words lately. You know, when you're trying to say something but you just cannot remember how you were trying to put it? Maybe I need to start doing the crossword like my grandma to keep my mind sharp. Yesterday I was reading something and came across this sentence, "You know the theme song, the one that sounds vaguely like The Addams Family theme song but with less snaps?" It is referring to the Alfred Hitchcock Presents theme song, which that fairly vague description somehow jarred right into my head. Seriously, I had that song in my head for the remainder of the day. But the day before it took me like ten minutes to find the word conclusive. Come on, what's wrong with my head? I'm not quite that old yet.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Movies, books and whatnot

This is really funny. Trust me, you want to watch it. Even if you don't, it's only a minute and twenty seconds long.

By the time I went to the doctor this morning, I couldn't even feel my weird lump on my jaw. So I didn't even mention it. But I did mention how my back hurts every morning when I wake up. Sometimes it hurts so much that it wakes me up in the middle of the night. So he gave me some exercises to do and said if it doesn't get better within 6 weeks to come back. Also he gave me a bunch of samples of Imitrex, which is awesome.

I saw Catch and Release with Jennie Saturday night. It was strange and not really in a good way. Shannon and I went to see Harry Potter yesterday. I really liked it. It's been so long since I read that book that I had completely forgotten about an important event. Yes, I read the books, but no, I am not such a nerd that I read spoilers about them or stood in line to buy the book or anything. In fact, three days after the seventh one came out, I still haven't bought it. Whatever. I did just finish a book that Mark lent to me-Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith. I am now going to pass it on to my father, since all the Benzes so enjoyed Jon Krakauer's other book that we passed around the family. It's a really good read, so if you're not a Benz and so were not privy to our book-sharing, pick it up at a store or at a library if you're cheap. I don't mountain climb, but I appreciate a well-told, well-researched story. Dave just purchased another John Krakauer book that he promises to pass around. Anyway, I totally learned three new words while reading Under the Banner of Heaven. That was exciting for me. I'd tell you what they are, but you likely don't care. Fine, I'm doing it anyway. Concomitant. Neologism. Epistemological. This now concludes the learning portion of the post. Unless you already knew those words, in which case you're better than I am and I won't try to teach you anything again. I seem to have gone a little crazy with the links today.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

assorted sizes and colors

The knot on my jaw is smaller today, but Tuesday the other side of my jaw was really tight and painful. I took two Flexeril before bed, forgetting that I don't take it often anymore, so one would probably have sufficed. So I had a Flexeril hangover yesterday. I guess if the knot is still there on Monday when I go to the doctor, I will tell him about it.

On an unrelated note, I am now addicted to this website where you can design your own purse. You pick a style and then you can pick different fabrics for the body, straps, detailing and inside. I just can't stop playing around with it. I need a new purse and I am quite set on what I want in a purse, but I have a hard time finding it. I need more than one pocket and the strap has to be long enough to sling over your shoulder. It's harder to find than you might think. The ones that you design on that site are about $130, depending on which style you pick, but I am thinking it might be worth it if I can get what I really want. If I don't get what I want, I'll just be looking for a new purse again after a few months. This site also has some things that look promising, but I'm just not sure. They also have a lot of weird crap. I'm not going to buy anything right now, but I just wish I could find what I want.

Also, I have been working on doing 50 things about me like everyone else did like a week or two ago, but I only started Monday and did a few each day. So it may be next week before I finish. I'm not that interesting, even to myself.

Monday, July 16, 2007

more human than human

I woke up yesterday and thought, hmm, my jaw kind of hurts today. Then I figured out why. There was a knot right on the joint that was big enough that I could see it as well as feel it. It was hugungous and it hurt. Fortunately I have a lot of hair that usually hangs in my face and obscures the upper part of my jawline. The knot is smaller today, but still weird.

Anyway, I was on camera the first two services at church yesterday, which I still don't understand why the person who does the 8:00 has to do the 9:30 also. But that's not the point. The point is that I was mildly annoyed by being on camera for those two services until I got there and we were singing one of my favorite songs (You Are Holy-the one with the parts in the chorus-so fun and fast!). Don't get me wrong-I don't dislike doing camera, I just don't find it interesting enough to do two services in a row, but I don't mind sitting through all three services when I'm on graphics. I'm so weird. Anyway again, there was a video about worship and how we think the worship is great when we sing songs we like, but that it's not good when the music isn't our taste (or is bad, but that doesn't happen often at my church, as we are blessed with many talented musicians). And that is so true for me. I love the singing part of worship, but I don't enjoy it much when we sing songs I don't like. Worship is not supposed to be about us at all, but about God. So it should make no difference whether we like the songs or not. I guess that's one more thing I need to work on.

Monday, July 02, 2007


Over the course of the past two days I have baked two batches of cookies, a pan of brownies and a cake. Due to the stupidity of my oven, only the cookies came out okay. I made the brownies first and took them out like 5 minutes before they were supposed to be finished and they were already burned. So, since I didn't want to give anyone any crappy brownies, I made cookies. They were supposed to bake in 9 minutes, but I basically watched them the whole time and removed them at 5 minutes and they were perfect. But the next day when I made the cake, apparently I had already forgotten, so I took the cake out at 25 minutes instead of 35 and it was already totally burned. I was like, I am not giving anyone a crappy burned cake either. So I guess today I'll be making a new cake. The cake was all brown, which would have been ok, except it was a strawberry cake, so it was supposed to be pink. Oh well. My oven is exceptionally warm. I will have to take the next cake out at like 15 minutes, I guess. Enough of my adventures in baking. Back to work!