Monday, October 30, 2006

Christmas shopping

I'm very glad that I now have a washer and dryer in my apartment (thanks to Shannon's sister!) because Layla keeps throwing up on things. I don't mind so much when it's the carpet, but she threw up on my bed, so I had to wash the comforter and while it was drying, she totally tried to throw up on my sheets, but I put her on the floor before she could. Not cool. I do feel bad for her because it can't be fun, but I wish she wouldn't do it on my bed.
I caught part of the House marathon on USA yesterday and it just reminded me how much I wish they would give Chase more character. He didn't even make the cover of TV Guide with House, Foreman, and Cameron. It's always all about Cameron and her whining and her stupid vests, ugly shirts, and annoying bangs.
I'm feeling pretty good about Christmas. I'm about halfway there with my shopping and I know what I want for the others; it's just a matter of finding it. I got a package today and I'm excited. I love giving presents. Although I'm guessing that about December 15th, my mom will ask me if I'll buy stuff for the cousins from her. They are hard to shop for since we hardly know them anymore and they don't say much when we're around. Oh well. If I have mine taken care of, I'm less likely to spazz out when she dumps that on me.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


One Word

Yourself: awkward
Your Lover: none
Your Hair: clean
Your Mother: crazy
Your Father: great
Your Favorite Item: socks
Your Dream Last Night: strange
Your Favorite Drink: kool-aid
Your Dream Home: cozy
The Room You Are In: office
Your Pets: funny
What You Are Now: lonely
Who You Want to be in Ten Years: mother
What You Want to be in Ten Years: happy
What You're Not: nice
Your Best Friend: depends
One of Your Wishlist Items: music
Your Gender: female
The Last Thing You Did: faxes
What You Are Wearing: jeans
Your Favorite Weather: fall
Your Favorite Book: Esther
The Last Thing You Ate: chicken
Your Life: strange
Your Mood: tired
Favorite article of clothing: pjs
Favorite color: green
School: maybe
Song: Stranded

TV and books

Since I still can't find the book I was trying to read on Sunday, I went shopping Monday and bought Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs. I want to see the movie and you guys should know how I feel about books, so I read it this week. Now I'm not so sure I want to see the movie because from the trailers I've seen, it doesn't seem like it's going to be all that true to the book. It was a pretty good book and a really fast read. But now I have nothing to read again. That's not entirely true because I have some Stephen King books, but I don't think it would be wise to read them at night because then I'll get a little creeped out and all the noises my cats make will scare me. I'm a big pansy.
I was watching television last night (shocking, I know) and saw a Sprint commercial with Ron Livingston in it. Why is Ron Livingston doing Sprint commercials? I think his show is not doing particularly well (I for one have never watched it). But still. Also, I saw a new episode of America's Next Top Model and their guest this week was Fabio. He's looking really old. He was kind of creepy and they had to act excited about working with him. Sucks for them. I also caught most of an episode of One Tree Hill and while I was not sure about what was going on, it was really funny. It may have been one of the funniest things I've seen in quite a while. I'm almost glad there was nothing else on. Almost.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I started reading a book on Sunday and then I put it down for a few minutes and now I can't find it. I looked and looked last night, but it seems to be gone. Which is strange because my apartment is not that big. There just aren't that many places it could be. I also seem to have hit my head on something at some point on Sunday, but I can't remember what or where. All I know is there's a small, sore bump on my forehead. And I vaguely recall bumping my head, but I really can't remember where I was or what I was doing at the time. I must be losing it.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Good weekend

I didn't get to see Marie Antoinette on Friday because it didn't come out here in freaking Bowling Green! So Friday we watched Friends With Money, which was depressing. I do not recommend it. But Saturday night Shannon and I went to Nashville and saw it there. It was very colorful. I think I liked it. It made me want a cape. :) Although we were fairly certain that many of the other patrons did not know what happened to Marie and Louis because the movie ended before they lost their heads and they all seemed confused. I think that was the longest movie I've ever seen with that little dialogue. Does that make sense? There just wasn't much speaking happening. But you understand what's up and what they're thinking.

Saturday was also One Great Day, which is a thing our church does twice a year where members go out into the community in ugly orange shirts and help people. My group was working at BRASS (Barren River Area Safe Space) and we weeded (I don't do gardening) and mulched a playground area and also painted a gazebo. It was fun, but I left early so I didn't get to see the finished products. I was painting and even though we were outside, by the time I left I remembered why I'm not supposed to paint. My nose had started getting way funky and my throat hurt. Stupid allergies. But they are sooo much better than they were for the first 21 years or so of my life. Yay allergy shots and tonsil removal!! Anyway, last year only three members of our small group showed up and no shots of us made it into the slideshow at church the next morning. This year we had about 12 show up from our group! A shot of Amanda painting the gazebo made it in and I was kneeling in front of her, so the back of my head made it. Weirdly enough, my mother recognized it. I would have thought I would be the only one to recognize the back of my head. It made me strangely happy that she at least knows what I look like that much because she generally knows almost nothing about me. That was a poorly put together sentence. Anyway, my friend Jennie said my mom told her, "I know that hair!"

Sunday was our Groundbreaking for our new building, but I didn't get to go because a friend's sister was bringing me a washer and dryer at 3:30 and the thing was at 3:00. But I got a washer and dryer! And it was really cold out yesterday. But my dad said they had a pretty good turnout and it was nice.

Friday, October 20, 2006

It must be fall...

because my left eyelid is flaking again. Yay, cold weather and my accompanying skin of my eye troubles. Anyway, it must be time for another Benz to be born because it is October. My cousin had her baby on Monday (Sunday was my dad's birthday). And of course there's Mark's birthday at the beginning of October and that particular cousin and her brother have birthdays at the end of the month. My poor grandpa fell down on his face last Friday and had to go the hospital when his nose didn't stop bleeding after three hours. Apparently he broke it and is having surgery on Hallowe'en to repair it. And I realize it was very pretentious of me to spell Hallowe'en with an apostrophe, but I like it that way. Just as I like to spell flavour with a u. I think I'm going to see Marie Antoinette tonight. But I accidentally left my phone at home when I came to work after lunch, so I can't call my friend until after work. Oops. That's right, I no longer know all phone numbers because of the scourge that is cell phones. I never have to dial because all the people I call are on my speed dial. Anyway, I should get back to working.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Rachel is the boss of me

Apparently I do whatever Rachel says I should. She told me to get a blog and to do this and so here it is, on my new blog.
A - Age: 24
B - Brothers and sisters: Dave-27, Mark-22
C - Career: No career picked yet...I am so indecisive
D - Drink or smoke: Yes and No
E - Easiest person/s to talk to: It just depends
F - Favorite song/s at the moment: Right now I am so listening to CDs I made like four years ago and they are awesome! Eighties stuff and covers and all manner of songs I'd forgotten I liked.
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Bears
H - Have you had head lice?: No
I - Interests: My family and friends, books, my cats, and I have an unhealthy addiction to TV that my DVR is feeding
J - Junk foods you like: Chocolate and more chocolate
K - Knights: Are awesome!
L - Longest car ride ever: Driving to Disney World from Owensboro, KY when I was about 5
M - My favorite Sport/s: I don't really care about sports, but if I must, I guess basketball. Also, I adore hockey-it's totally the manliest sport around
N - Number of kids you have: 0
O - One wish you have: To please people
P - Phobias: I have a completely irrational fear of lakes and rivers-I'm always afraid something will get me in a lake or river. My family always made fun of me for it-thanks, guys!
Q - Favorite Quote: I don't know
R - Reason to smile: It doesn't take much-I like to smile
S- Song: see F.
T- Time you woke up: 7:00, although I also woke at 3:15 and couldn't go back to sleep for over an hour. Argh.
U - Unknown fact about you: I wash my hands compulsively and now my knuckles are cracked and funky
V - Vegetable/fruit you hate: onions-I can tell if they are in my food or were even near my food while it was being prepared
W - Worst habit: Judging people
X - X-rays you've had: teeth and I've had some CT scans, which I know are not the same
Y- Yummy food/s: cheesecake!
Z- Zodiac sign: Pisces

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Starting over

So, even though I already have a blog(I don't write in it much though), I'm starting this one because Dave doesn't like myspace and Rach isn't on it. So whatever. Now I have this.

This weekend was a lot of fun. The cutest family ever came to town. And Rachel, you and Dave are totally just as important to me as your fabulous kids are. Anyway, the kids are so much bigger and different everytime we see them, and Dave and Rachel have so much to tell, that I always wish anew that we lived closer.

Also, totally check out Television Without Pity on my links. They have the most awesome recaps of all the shows I watch and a lot of shows that I don't.