Sunday, June 28, 2009

A short rant...

So, even though I am usually a terrible feminist, yesterday I was watching TV and got all bent out of shape. It was some reality program and this chick was like, "OK, you girls went out there and did that like men and I really respect that." A woman, telling other women that because they did something lik men, she respected them! What is wrong with women doing things like women? Why isn't that enough to garner respect?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Vehicular issues

So, Shannon's car broke at the end of last week, which was unfortunate. But then on Sunday, while we were in Louisville, it turned out that one of my cousins is trying to sel his car. So, my aunt told me to drive it back to BG and have our mechanic look at it, which I did. And it seems to be in good shape, so we'll see where that goes. But it was very fortuitous to have an extra car around. Today, Shannon couldn't get my car to start when she was trying to leave work. So that's awesomely ridiculous. But my parents are out of town, so I happen to be able to use one of their cars! Things just keep falling into place right now. I mean, other than the part about my car breaking, although it does just prove I've been right to be so worried about it....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I just spent like 5 minutes trying to figure out whether today is Tuesday or Wednesday. I landed on Tuesday and then looked at a calendar. I am so off lately. I honestly have very little idea of what is going on. I miss having a desk that is mine, so I carry stacks of paper around with me everywhere. I found a post-it on the doorjamb of a doorway I'd been standing in, having a conversation with someone earlier. I do recall putting the post-it there, because I kept fiddling with it. And then I walked past that same doorway like 6 times before I found the post-it, and it was totally neon green. And I wasn't wandering around looking for it; I kind of forgot about the post-it and the task info I wrote on it until it registered in my consciousness again. Oops...

Monday, June 08, 2009

I was watching part of Snakes on a Plane yesterday because...well, because it was on TV. Anyway, I think all of North America knows what Samuel L. Jackson says about the snakes when he gets fed up because it was everywhere whenever it was that that movie came out. On cable, that line became, "I have had it with these monkeyfying snakes on this Monday to Friday plane!" It made me giggle and wonder what the censors were smoking, or if maybe they thought it was hilarious too.

Friday, June 05, 2009

sometimes I think it would be much easier to be a guy...

So, I'm on the tech team at church. I do graphics and camera, albeit not simultaneously, although I have done graphics and light that way. Anyway, recently we changed the way we do the schedules for the month by having each task report to one person what days they would like off in a given month and then that person makes up the camera section for the month, or the graphics or sound and whatnot. I think I am getting screwed by this new system. I was hardly on at all last month and this month I am only graphics for the two Wednesday night services. I was talking to my dad about it and I was like, well maybe Frank thinks I suck at graphics and so he doesn't want to put me on Sundays and maybe David thinks I suck at camera (which, sometimes I do...) so he only put me on once or twice, I can't recall. My dad was like, "No you don't, why don't you ask them about it?" Not likely... A few days later, at the Wednesday night service, my dad was like, oh, I talked to Frank and he said he thought you only did Wednesdays, so that's why he did that. Not because you're bad at it; he said you do a great job. I was like, oh, awesome. I am totally 27 years old and my dad just talked to somebody for me. And he kind of made fun of me for thinking it was because I suck. I was like, if it were you being cut back, wouldn't you wonder if it was because you were crappy...oh, wait, no, you are a dude, and have never had self-doubt issues and also the tech and worship teams would be lost without you. Why do I always think I am the problem? Really, historically, I haven't been, so why have I always thought that?

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Am I crazy or is not hilarious that a dude left a Sex and the City Trivia Game on the steps of Civil War monument and then the bomb squad was called in, as hot pink question cards blew into a fountain?

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

action-packed, as always

This weekend Shannon and I went to see Terminator: Salvation. Honestly, I kind of forgot I saw it, which is why it's Tuesday and I'm just now writing about it. Not that anyone actually cares about my movie thoughts. Anyway, it wasn't bad. It certainly wasn't good and I feel like it kind of messed with the Terminator canon a little, but maybe that was just me. There were plenty of explosions and whatnot. I am just still having a hard time forming any kind of cohesive thoughts about it. So, Dave will like it and Mark, if he ever gets to see it. Confession: when I'm watching a movie and it sucks, I start writing a blog post in my head about the ways that it sucks. When I watch a good movie, I start composing a post about how it's awesome as soon as it's over. Which is kind of sad, now that I think about it. But anyway, it's somewhat telling to me that after this movie was over, we walked out, went 'huh...' and then went to the grocery.

Also, we recently rented Quarantine, which was ok. It was kind of gross, as most scary movies have a tendency to be now. I don't love that. I don't mind some gore, but I want it to be awesome or funny, like Jason kind of gore. There's entirely too much sadism in movies now, to the point where there are very few genuinely scary movies, just a lot of crappy ones with a lot of action that will make you kind of queasy. And that sucks because I love scary movies that actually scare you and make you a little creeped out when you go to bed after watching them. Anyway, Quarantine was alright. My Bloody Valentine, on the other hand, had the potential to be awesome. In fact, I'm pretty sure that if I had seen it in 3-D in the theater, I would have thought it was hilarious, as you could totally tell which effects were pandering to the 3-D audience. But at least it wasn't gross. It was definitely reminiscent of Jason movies, with some gaping plot holes, and an ending you see coming a mile away, but it was pretty fun, as far as horror movies go. Rachel would probably like it more than Dave, since he doesn't get our love for terribly cheesy horror movies. Also, I heard Drag Me To Hell is pretty awesome, in a Raimi kind of way, and I totally want to see it, but no one will go with me. But, Evil Dead, you guys! Come on!