Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Arrr, mateys!

Avast, today is Talk Like A Pirate Day! Don't forget to confuse your friends and loved ones with some random pirate jargon! And, whenever possible, tell terrible pirate jokes. I have found that they are so cheesy, people almost always laugh.

Friday, September 14, 2007

1.Who was your first prom date? Peewee Herman (most of you know what I'm talking about) :-D

2. Who was your first roommate? Dave

3. What was your first alcoholic drink? Screwdriver

4. What was your first job? Babysitting

5. What was your first car? 1989 Honda Accord-I miss you, Snake Eyes...

6. Who was the first person you texted today? I haven't texted anyone yet today.

7. Who is the first person you thought of this morning? The people who beat me to work?

8. Who was your first grade teacher? Ms. Downey

9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? Boston

10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was with you? I never really snuck out of the house. I went out my window once, but it was the middle of the day and I was just seeing if I could do it without breaking my legs. My window was pretty far off the ground.

11. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them? Kathi and not really. She e-mailed me when she got engaged.

12. Where was your first sleep over? Either Kathi's or Haley's

13. First Kiss? What about it?

14. Whose wedding were you in the first time? Mark's

15. What is the first thing you do in the morning? Pet Grace so she'll lay down and stop meowing in my face and let me sleep a few more minutes

16. What was the first concert you ever went to? Sharon, Lois, and Bram from the Elephant Show at Freedom Hall

17. First tattoo or piercing? Ears at 10 and I still have no tattoos

18. First foreign country you went to? Germany

19. First crush? Steve in the second grade.

20. When was your first detention? Freshman year of high school I got my only detention because Dave was always running late and my first period teacher sucked. I only went for 15 minutes and then I got to leave and I didn't have to come back to serve the rest.

21. What was the first state you lived in? Kentucky

22. Who was your first love? Marie. She was our only real pet.

23. Who was the first person to break your heart? Me

24. Who will be the first to repost this? No one. Even Christina got to it before me. Maybe Mark will do it and make a blog.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


My weekend just got really busy because a dude from church called and asked me to do graphics for him on Sunday morning. And he was also supposed to be helping my dad out this weekend in Leitchfield, but he's going to be out of town all weekend. So I told him I would cover for him Saturday too. So there's that. But what is really awesome is that apparently at some point this week one of my remaining three hubcaps fell off, but I didn't notice because it was on the passenger side and I never wind up on that side of my car. Our UPS guy at work noticed and told me the other day and I was like, nuts. But then a few minutes ago, he brought it to me! Apparently it was by a road right near work that he also delivers on so he picked it up for me. That was really nice of him. I just put it back on and I figured out why they must be falling off. The little plastic pieces that attach the big plastic part to the metal ring around the inside are mostly broken. Or maybe that's just my theory. I put it back on and it seemed stuck on well, but we'll see. I have no idea what I could be doing to make them fall off.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Rachel! You are totally awesome and not old at all, busty.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I was talking to Shannon the other day about politics, which she loves to do, but I don't. I just don't like to share my opinions about incendiary matters because I know people get all riled up when you don't agree with them. I prefer to just stay quiet rather than cause unnecessary conflicts. But we were talking about it anyway, and I said something to the effect that I wouldn't vote for Romney because he is Mormon. I didn't mean it, but sometimes people have a hard time telling with me. Shannon was like, dude, is believing what they believe really that much crazier than believing that Jesus died and came back three days later smelling like roses? That's not exactly how she put it, but you get the gist. And you know, I'm glad I have her to give me a reality check sometimes because that is a good point. If you are not religious, you would think that both of them sound crazy. I guess it's just that I am sometimes intolerant of things that don't make sense to me. And I'm not saying Mormons are stupid, because that's not true, it's just that they believe something different than I do. I know that a lot of people have problems with tolerance about morals and religion and well, pretty much anything there is to fight about. But it makes me really mad when people won't listen to both sides. It's great to have convictions, but sometimes you need to think about why people who disagree with you might do so. They probably have reasons just as valid as yours for believing what they do about politics, religion, family, and life. Just because you're sure about your stance doesn't mean you are right. Maybe you need a reality check too.

what a waste of airtime

When I got home Sunday night, Shannon came over and we were eating dinner and the plan was to watch one of our Netflix movies. But while we were eating, the MTV Awards started and we wound up watching that. God only knows why. It was terrible. I was so bored pretty much the entire time. The only time I wasn't bored, I was mildly offended. Sarah Silverman said some pretty rude things about Britney and her kids. I was also almost entertained when Ludacris left poor Shia LaBoeuf hanging up there and you could tell he was freaked about it. And then again when Jamie Foxx and Jennifer Garner were on stage, but that was only because Jamie Foxx chose not to read off the teleprompter and said whatever he felt like saying. I guess he knew MTV's lines sucked. But all in all, it was the most boring awards show I have ever seen. We kept thinking something might happen, but it never did. Apparently MTV completely retooled the format and made it more toolish. The article I read on CNN said they loved the new formula and they thought it was great except for Britney's performance, but honestly, while her performance wasn't good, it certainly wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen. The new format was just bizarre, with random cuts to these different parties they had going on hosted by different groups and they would show bits and pieces of the performances happening in those parties. It was so strange to me. Like Rachel and I concluded last month, we are just too old for MTV. Oh, Chris Brown's performance was also mostly entertaining. Anyway, so that was a big bust. A waste of two hours, but the show used to be three hours, so at least it was shorter.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Good Trip

I made it home yesterday without incident. But last time I was driving home from Birmingham, I happened to be on the phone with Mark when my bumper fell off and I ran over it (correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it be nearly impossible to avoid hitting your front bumper if it were to make a break for it?). I told him I thought I blew a tire (it was very confusing. It seemed I had hit something, but I didn't see anything, so I thought it must have been a tire issue). Mark told me that I would know if I had blown a tire. So about an hour later when I really did blow a tire, I thought, huh, Mark was right. It is very different.

Yesterday's trip was infinitely better than that one. We celebrated Rachel's birthday and watched all the episodes of Ty Murray's Celebrity Bull-Riding Challenge that have aired so far. It was entertaining. And I just want to say that Rachel looks great. She is standing almost completely straight and her swelling has gone way down. She looks very svelte. I am going to have to kick my butt into gear so I can keep up with her. Well, I have work to do, so I'd better look into that. I think I have to call Sacramento some more today and it's after 8 there now, so maybe I can actually find the people I need now.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


This weekend was pretty fun. My cousin Beth Ann (or cousin-in-law or something) taught me to crochet, which is awesome because I did not understand the second step in the book I had. She was like, don't use books, they're no good for this. And I totally get it now and can do two different stitches. So that was quite exciting for me! And we all ate way too much all weekend and worked all day yesterday preparing for the party. But I think it went pretty well. I got sick while they were cutting the cake and I had to go lie down before I threw up. Apparently I should not eat shrimp and steak when I never eat shrimp and I rarely eat red meat. So now I know. It was nice to see everyone and we had really good food, as always. But I am really glad my parents wanted to come home tonight so we could all have tomorrow to do nothing. It should be fantastic!