Sunday, May 31, 2009

Started out as Hogwarts...

This literal version of Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart made me giggle. "Emo Kid is throwing slo-mo dove at my face" "ninjas!" Watch up to the fencing and if you don't find it amusing, then feel free to stop...

Friday, May 29, 2009

I was watching part of the National Spelling Bee last night, and I got all excited because I am a dork. Those words were insane and the kids would just rattle them off like it was nothing. I only watched about fifteen minutes, but I did know four of the words, which was kind of awesome. And this morning I heard the winning word and I totally know that word too! Thanks, Reverend Doctor Jason Pettus, for teaching us about Laodiceans and their lukewarm gross water pipes!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I think I got the blade of the double-edged sword...

I spent just over $120 at the pharmacy today. The good part is I did get five different prescriptions. The bad part is that four of them were only ten dollars each. Yeah. So, this stuff had better work really well. It's some stuff for the eye allergy issues that recur. Apparently if you use steroids on your eyes frequently, you might get glaucoma. So even though my insurance refused to pay for this non-steroid because they want me to use steroids and get glaucoma, I got it anyway. Because I do not want any more issues with my eyes...and because I have been using more steroids than my doctor gave me on the whole eye thing because I have the hook-up and they work. Oops. I hope it works, because if it doesn't then I am stuck with a giant tube of $90 crap.

Monday, May 25, 2009

I guess I've been busy. I have kind of gotten out of the habit of doing this. Ummm...Those commercials for the new Late Show with Conan O'Brien where he's running down the beach in slow motion while Eye of the Tiger plays crack me up. Too bad I'm old and can't manage to stay up that late anymore. Although he will now be a whole hour earlier than before, so maybe I can occasionally catch it. I still don't understand the whole thing with them giving Leno his own show. That is not cool. Also, I do not understand who watches Leno and/or likes him. He is mostly just annoying to me.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I am looking for someone who wants a free trip to Boston. One caveat: you have to go with me. But, free!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fortune Charades

Last night Shannon and I went to Kyoto for dinner. When I opened my fortune cookie, I was chewing, so Shannon was like, act it out! From my attempts, she came up with, "When you're making cake, don't break your forearm." Which is not even close, but totally funny. Fortune charades are so much more fun than adding "in bed" or "because I'm a lesbian" to the end of the fortune. Although that episode of Law and Order was completely out of the blue. Anyway, fortune charades will soon sweep the nation.

P.S.-The correct answer was "Hard words break no bones, but fine words butter no parsnips." Which doesn't make a lot of sense and led to a discussion about what, exactly, a parsnip is.

Am I almost too weird to function?

When Shannon and I went to the movies last week, while the commercials were on I was like, oh, dude, lean close to me and smell my neck. Shannon was like, ok and started to and then went, "Wait. What?" Am I so random that people almost think it's normal for me to ask them to smell my neck? By the way, it was because I was trying to get an opinion on whether my new perfume (Wisteria) smells too mature for me; I'm not completely random. Also, I think I don't care even if it is because it smells so good.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I went to get my hair cut last night and I was thinking of getting a body wave kind of perm. Not a perm perm like my mom had in the 80s and 90s. I've never had a perm, but I want the front of my hair to be as wavy as the back. Anyway, the girl who was cutting my hair was like, yeah that would do what you want, but it would cost more than $100. Apparently my hair is so long and thick it would take 4 boxes of stuff. Nevermind that then. Also, I don't know why I can never manage to go get my hair trimmed and actually just get a trim. Usually the people are just chop happy and I never wind up losing any less than three inches. So maybe my hair doesn't grow as slowly as I think, since I don't take that into account. And I lost three inches this time because the back was apparently extremely uneven. I was like, I swear I didn't do it to myself! If I had done it myself, it would not have been uneven. Trust. Maybe I should think about spending more than $20 on my hair...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

The residents of Ye Olde Paneled Palace discuss Wolverine

Shannon: That was some of the worst dialogue I've heard in a long time!

Andrea: I know! A four year old could have written that.

Shannon: Maybe Addie wrote that movie!

Andrea: No, if Addie had written it, there would be more singing. Hugh Jackman might have still been in it, but Zac Efron would have made an appearance.

Yeah, when I got home from work at 7:15, in the span of fifteen minutes I decided I wanted to 1- go to a bar, 2-go to bed, 3-get a haircut, and finally, the one Shannon agreed to, 4-go to a movie. So we went to a 7:50 showing of Wolverine, which was not bad and had some cool fight scenes, but also had some cheesiness and whatnot.

I am slow

Confession: When I drove my dad's van to the 'ham this weekend to pick up the furniture and whatnot (thanks, Rachel and Dave and Rachel's mom!), this song came on that I knew. So I looked down at the Sirius thing and it said the song was called Sweet Emotion. I can't even tell you how many times I watched Dazed and Confused when i was in high school, which is weird because I didn't even drink in high school, much less use illegal substances. But anyway, that song is in that movie and I really had no clue what they were saying. But now I know!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

I am being stalked by the rain...

So, I'm pretty sure that I am like that cartoon character with the rain cloud over her head. Everywhere I go lately, it rains. I drove to Birmingham Friday and it rained on me all the way through Tennessee and then rained Saturday and Sunday in Birmingham and then rained on me all the way through Tennessee again. And when I flew to Boston on Monday, it was raining in DC when we stopped there and then it rained in Boston when I got there. And it rained all day in Boston yesterday. My flight was even delayed because of all the rain. And then I come home and Shannon was like, it was really nice here and got warm. So of course, when I get up this morning it's raining again. And I like rain, but this is getting absurd. My hair hasn't been completely dry in days!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Addie was just getting ready to show us her latest dance and while she was trying to get into formation, she hit her toe ont he speaker and fell down. She was sitting on the floor, holding her foot and said, "I'm...still gonna do the dance!" And she did and it was awesome. :)

Friday, May 01, 2009

On Sunday our FPU class 'graduated.' They gave us bumper stickers, and part of our money back. I picked a bumper sticker that said 'debt is normal. be weird.' Shannon was like, you cannot put that on your car. I was like, why not? Anyone who sees my car will know I didn't go into debt (for the car, at least). Anyway, one of them was the terrible motto or whatever of FPU. The more times I hear it the more it irritates me. 'Live like no one else so later you can LIVE like no one else.' That is not an awesome slogan, if you ask me. And every week he would say it and make the audience say it and it got on my nerves more and more. Am I the only one who doesn't think it's awesome?