Friday, March 28, 2008

Word to Your Mother

This made me giggle. I can't tell you how much I wish this guy were our local weather guy. I love that he's so enthusiastic about it. Watch some of the Dance Party Fridays related videos. There's one where he raps and some girl does the sprinkler. I think he might rival your dancing skills, Rach. Also, I just love some random Vanilla Ice usage. Ice, Ice, Baby is my ringtone for Dave and this weekend when I was at my grandma's house, Dave called and my phone was out so you could even hear the word to your mother part. My grandma was like, what on earth was that? She's awesome.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

So I'm changing who I am...cause what I am's not good

I swear I'm still better at posting regularly than Dave! Ummm...but apparently I also have nothing to say. Shannon's parents got her a lawnmower for her birthday because we are responsible for the yard. Which kind of sucks, but is also good, since that means the landlord doesn't care if Shannon feels like planting flowers over every inch of it. Now, I think you all know I have never mowed a lawn before. I have two brothers, so it was never necessary. My mom sometimes would try to convince me by telling us about how she loved to split mowing duties with her brother when they were kids, but I was too smart for that. Anyway, Shannon's mower is completely people-powered. It is small and light, so we can store it in the dungeon without killing ourselves. So, I tried it for a few minutes. It was a little bit fun and probably a lot good for your arms. And now there is less danger of losing Kazoo in the grass. Also, we have one buttercup blooming! The rest of them are kind of straggling. But it's going to be so pretty. And Shannon bought a ton more plants and seeds to plant, so that will be even prettier.

Kazoo has spring fever, so he has been crazy. I think I have spring fever too. I really want to go outside. Which is rather unlike me, as it is hard work to remain this pale. But I was outside this morning and saw a bee, which helped me remember part of why I do not like the outdoors. Once, I was seeing this therapist (KWC payed for students to go to one for like 6 sessions per problem or something) and he told me that I have seasonal affective disorder, but I was like, dude, I really don't go outside and get any vitamin D in the summer either. Really, truly, I do not-how else would I continue to glow in the dark like this? He seemed skeptical. But I don't think I really have SAD. Just so you know, I did not even go back for a second session(he also told me I had issues with my mother. Duh! I had known that for years, Sherlock!). Speaking of vitamins (and my mom), my mom bought me some vitamins that are for women. It's freaking four pills a day. That's not really a problem, because for a while I was taking 6 pills a day, but four vitamins a day? That seems like a lot. But there's a fish oil one and biotin and calcium and a daily multi. So I'm trying it. Fish oil (Omega 3s) is supposed to help with migraines and since as of tomorrow I will have been going strong for four weeks with this migraine, I am willing to try. I am seeing the neurologist on Monday though, so that may be helpful also. It's just kind of ebbing and flowing. Like right now it's not too bad, but this morning I thought my head was going to explode. It just really gets to you after a while and makes you cranky all the time, even when it doesn't hurt a lot(note-this is not the first time I've ever had a migraine daily for four weeks, but it has been a long time since I've had this much trouble with my head). I've gotten ridiculously weepy and way too empathetic. So hopefully either the fish oil or the doctor, or some combination thereof, can assist me soon.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

So I dvr'ed The Return of Jezebel James on Friday because Parker Posey is awesome. I mean, Dazed and Confused, House of Yes, Best in Show, Josie and the Pussycats. Even though she is in some things that make you go hmm...she's usually good. And I like Daniel Palladino and Amy Sherman-Palladino because they did Gilmore Girls, which was quippy and generally good. But this show is awful. It has a laugh track that is incredibly intrusive and annoying. The laugh track is so bad that at first I thought maybe it was one of those show within a show things. Like a show poking fun at the making of a sitcom. But sadly, I was wrong. Even if I were almost amused by something, the obnoxious laugh track would convince me that I wasn't. Every five seconds the "studio audience" is laughing at Parker Posey. I feel like she's not even trying here. It's so weird. They brought in Lorelai's fiance Max from Gilmore Girls; he and Parker had an exchange about Kleenex that went on for far too long and I honestly think the actors were filming their lines in separate rooms. It didn't seem like they were responding to anything at all and that they had possibly never interacted with another person before. And the second episode, which aired right after the pilot, despite featuring Dianne Wiest, was really no better. Still with the laugh track that just seems to point out how not funny the 'jokes' are. And in the pilot she had a big house, but in the second episode she had a huge apartment with a spiral staircase in the corner. Weird choices in set design and acting. Disappointing all around.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

In case you didn't know...

I am kind of a bitch sometimes. Now, I don't want anyone to think I think tattoos are stupid or anything, because that is untrue. I am, in fact, fascinated by them and the people who get them. But I think people who get tattoos just to get tattoos are kind of...stupid. Anyway, the other day Shannon was telling me about one of her friends who wants to get a tattoo of a word and she wanted a cool sounding word, a big word. Now to get a tattoo of a word, just any old word that happens to be big (so people will think you're cool, because not only do you have some tattoos, but you have a tattoo of a fun word!), seems stupid to me. So I suggested ostentatious (I realize ostentatious doesn't actually mean tacky, but Shannon and I discussed it and decided it had that connotation, for us anyway).

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

And we don't care about the young folks, talkin' 'bout the young style

This weekend Shannon and I got a little bored and did some online shopping because we are old and lazy. We bought Benefit's Erase Paste and That Gal face primer. I think the Erase Paste is totally awesome. You know how I usually look like I have two black eyes because my eyelids are kind of purple (just part of my birthmark-doesn't really bother me anymore) and I have huge, really dark blue marks under my eyes (do still bother me and are only getting worse as I get older)? Yeah, well, not today buddy. It's like a super concealer and I think I love it! It was kind of ridiculously expensive for the tiny jar we got, but you really use a tiny amount, so I think it will be worth it. Shannon loved it too, so much so that I think we'll be getting a second jar so that we each have one. The face primer I am less sure about. It seems fine and all, but I don't know if I love it. We may need to give that one a few days. Anyway, just thought I would share my new product crush with you. I love products. Now if only I could find something to keep my chin from peeling. I know, I'm so gross. But my skin is absurdly dry and once it starts, I can't make it stop. I want to put the prescription stuff I put on my eyes to keep them from flaking off, but it's so expensive and comes in such a small tube that I hate to waste it like that. Dilemma! Anyway, suggestions from anyone else out there with really parched sensitive skin?

Monday, March 10, 2008

The only way to pull off manpris is to PULL OFF your manpris.

I don't know if you guys have ever looked at Stuff White People Like, but regardless, I think this might be the most awesome headline I've seen lately.

P.S. Umm, what? It had to be a Kentuckian.

Fear me now!


Thursday, March 06, 2008

you need that... like a bowling ball dropped on your head, which means not at all

So, yesterday I read that Patrick Swayze has pancreatic cancer, which is sad. But like a month or so ago, Shannon and I made Jack watch Dirty Dancing, simply because he had never seen it. We could not fathom why he had never seen it and seemed to have little desire to (could have something to do with him only being 21 and also a boy, or it could be that Jack hates things that are awesome), so we made him watch it. So this morning, after GMA assured me he wasn't going to die tomorrow or anything, I asked Shannon if she knew what we should make Jack watch in honor of Patrick Swayze.
Shannon: "Dirty Dancing again?!" (Trust me, she sounded excited.)
Me: "No, Ghost!"
And then we had to discuss Ghost and how Whoopi won an Oscar and the film was up for Best Picture, which is just absurd. It kind of surprises me that if Ghost could even be considered for Best Picture that year, that Pretty Woman wasn't also up. I mean, really. Because according to IMDB, Ghost was also up for a Golden Globe for best motion picture-comedy or musical. Now, I think Ghost is kind of funny, but I didn't think it was really supposed to be a comedy. And it's definitely not a musical. I know it has moments when Whoopi is on screen and she is supposed to be comic relief, but if I am remembering correctly, it is not a comedy, it just is funny bad. Or maybe that's just me.

Speaking of movies, I have recently seen the following:
The Darjeeling Limited, which I recommend you watch if you like Wes Anderson movies.
Waitress, which I liked, but it is weird. It's not a romantic comedy, so don't think it's going to be like a Kate Hudson film, because it is decidedly not.
Live Free or Die Hard, which I liked and recommend to my brothers. They would enjoy it. I am a little embarrassed that I watched it and liked it, but you guys already know I like some ridiculously plotted action movies. Also of note, it is PG-13, unlike the previous Die Hards, so Willis' signature saying is out. But there are still some awesome effects and explosions.
Smiley Face, which I only got because I like several of the people in it and think Anna Faris generally does a good job. I think she did the best she could with this, too. It was no Dazed and Confused, that's for sure.

And then Shannon and I watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix On Demand and then all the ones they showed on ABC Family this past weekend because we couldn't help ourselves. They are all so good and neither of us has any of them on DVD. And we came to the conclusion that one of us also needs to purchase the books so she can read them (and I can reread them). Because while all the movies are good and I understand that things had to be cut in the interest of making movies that were not miniseries, there are a lot of things missing in the movies. Like poor Ron and Hermione get smaller parts with each new movie (which I think is totally ok in the case of Hermione's SPEW plot in the book-I found it annoying). Anyway, we could get the first six books for like $35 from Amazon, but I kind of want to be a nerd about it and have all seven in paperback rather than six paperbacks and one hardcover. But six books for $35 is awesome, compared to the cost of six of movies!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The playground is where I spent most of my days

So, I was looking at purses online this morning and accidentally came across this. Is that not the most ridiculous, early 90s thing you have ever seen? Except for the fact that it is compatible with ipods. Or something. Anyway, it made me laugh.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Things I recently discovered

Kazoo loves it when people sing.
Skinny Tail gets all hyped up when people speak French. I think she may be a Canadian cat.
Skinny Tail and Fuzzy Tail are scared of storms, but rather than hiding under the bed like normal animals, they huddle separately on top of it.
Some of our windows still have the storm windows in instead of screens. (Are we expected to change them or can we call our landlord to do it?)
The ceiling in our bathroom is slowly falling down. It is mildly disturbing. If only one of us could remember to call the landlord...
Some of the flowers Shannon planted in our yard last year are starting to come up!
Apparently I hum rather frequently without realizing it. Oops.
My car has an oil leak. Whatever, car dude. I totally know how to check the oil and refill it. Not a problem to me!
I need more socks.
I am almost always dehydrated. I'm working on it!
I am super picky about my purses. (I am searching for one now. If you have any places or brands you love, share the knowledge. All the ones I love on Zappos are way expensive.)

Monday, March 03, 2008

I find this mesmerizing

How awesome is this? I think it may be the coolest thing ever to scare the crap out of me. I think it looks really rad, but I would not want to go up or down that.
Anyway, have I mentioned that I love books? I do, and I don't think I've been reading enough, so I've added a thing on the side of books I've read in '08. Hopefully that will motivate me to read more and to read more real books instead of generic crap. Although that doesn't mean I won't be recording the crap that I read just so I would appear smarter or cooler. No, I would not do that, because you fools already know I'm not sophisticated. Also, because that would go against my new policy of honesty. I'm starting a new book today and I'm rather excited.

All alone I built these walls and now I'm gonna let them fall

You know the rules. I am not tagging anyone. Everyone I know has already been tagged, except Christina, so feel free to do it if you so choose, Christina. I also may not follow the rules.

1. I only recently started reading more than one book at a time. And it's really just because real 'literature' books are not suitable for reading while at the gym , so I read regular crap at the gym. I never understood why people would want to start a new book when they weren't finished with the last one.

2. I have always wanted red hair, but I am wary of dying it. So I make do with my brown hair. Even though my mom keeps telling me it's getting darker.

3. I can't fathom why people would want to chew their fingernails. I tried it and, eh. But I do sometimes chew on the skin around my nails. I know, gross.

4. I think my cats think they are dogs. They are such attention whores and never leave people alone.

5. When I was younger, I would get really upset when my mom would tell me that people thought I was snobby because I was really just painfully shy.

6. Even though my brothers have both had lots of problems with their toenails, somehow I have managed not to have any ingrown nails. Which is good because I think feet are disgusting. All feet, not just the Benz feet.

7. I can't stand it when people use big words incorrectly in a failed bid to seem intelligent. Just give it up.

8. Unlike my devious brothers, I pretty much only got in trouble for mouthing off to my mother when I was a teenager. We are finally getting along almost all the time. She even calls me sometimes, which is weird because she never used to call me, since I still live in town and see her at times. Also, she's giving me all the old cups she doesn't want, including the jelly jar Muppet glasses! I love those.

9. I had my tonsils removed when I was 22. It was ridiculously painful. Especially since the doctor hit my uvula with the laser and it was not numbed. It was still totally worth it.

10. I realized the other day that I have been mispronouncing mischievous as mischievious sometimes. Mischievious is not a word. And now I am mortified, but it's not a word I really say much and I doubt anyone around here would notice [I wasn't spelling it wrong, I just apparently wasn't paying attention to the difference in the way I spelled it and the way I (and many other people) say it.]. Still, oops.