Friday, June 06, 2008

Better than the time Wal-Mart sold Nazi shirts...

"Is K-Mart selling abstinence pants?" is definitely the funniest headline I've read recently. I don't understand why you would put the words true love waits on your merchandise if you didn't mean for it to be about abstinence. But I love whoever said, "Because nothing says 'I plan not to have sex until marriage' like plastering text across your ass." Too true.


Unknown said...

I have things to say about this... I can't type them in so public an arena. Although I will say I don't see why they were so eager to back track and say it has nothing to do with abstinence.

Andrea Benz said...

Yeah, they probably don't want to own up to it because then they might have to pay Lifeway some money. I try not to share my thoughts that might incite arguments on the internet. Also, you should know that the other day I told Shannon 'modest is hottest.' ;)

Unknown said...

Awesome! I love that saying.