Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Absolutely guaranteed to raise your energy level!

I almost forgot. I saw The Dark Knight last night. It was really good, although depressing. But it's not like I expected it to be cheery. There were some really cool moments where I was like, dude, that is badass. I actually did turn to Shannon and say that at one point, although probably not when regular people would have thought that. This movie is the first time the Joker has ever been remotely scary. And dude, is he ever. He has a moment with a pencil that is the coolest gross thing that's been done with a writing utensil since Wesley Snipes and that pen in Demolition Man. Except where Wesley Snipes' moment was stupid and funny, this one is totally creepy and effective. Anyway, it's a good movie.

And a movie that is pretty much the complete opposite of everything from The Dark Knight is Mamma Mia. Stylistically, thematically, cinematographically (I think I just made that word up. It's rather awkward. Try saying it out loud.). The costumes are bright and interesting and the setting is gorgeous. You should know, though, that Pierce Brosnan is not a singer. The casting people really should have switched Pierce Brosnan with Colin Firth as far as characters go. Pierce Brosnan is seriously the worst singer in the film. The best seems to be Amanda Seyfried, whose hair I now covet. They even managed to make Meryl Streep look soft and pretty. Plotwise, Mamma Mia is the opposite of The Dark Knight. It's very light on plot, where The Dark Knight has almost too much plot. There is much more to accomplish in many more storylines. Mamma Mia just has to shoehorn in as many ABBA songs as possible. Some of them are really terribly done, but others are pretty decent. It was almost fun and definitely light. If that's what you're into, then go for it.

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