Monday, December 29, 2008

So...Christmas happened. It was pretty nice. I got some monies. And my parents gave me some necklaces. Guess I have to start wearing jewelry more than once every couple of weeks. I just always forget, unless it seems like there's something missing because my neckline is low. Anyway, spent some time with families. Nothing spectacular, but nothing horrendous happened either. At least, not that I can recall, although I am exceptionally good at repression and self-delusion.

Last night at shortly before 11, I heard lots of sirens and could see lights flashing my bedroom window, which is a trick since it's not at the front of the house. I didn't get up to check right away because I am a jerk, but I checked at like 11:30 and a house across the street was aflame. Not directly across the street, but across and over one. There were lots of neighbors standing in the street and milling around. I didn't go outside because it was 11:30 and cold and I was wearing pajamas and I am a bad neighbor. Also, it wasn't a ton of fire. This morning there was just a sign on the front door that said not to enter. You could see where it was blackened in the back and they had boarded it up, but the front looks totally normal. Weird.

I am going to Boston again in about a week. Want to join? I fear that this time, the weather will be wintry and I will be frozen.

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