Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's like your parents never forget your past stupidity

I turned on the TV at my house a few minutes ago. There was a picture, but no sound. After doing a few minutes of troubleshooting with no luck, I called my dad. The first thing he said was, "Well, the remote for that does have a mute button." Seriously, Dad?! I am not a moron. I am aware of the existence of mute buttons. I used to use them all the time before I had a DVR. I would mute and then turn on the closed captioning when the phone rang or whatever. I checked the mute button on the TV remote, the cable remote and I even checked the DVD recorder (the cable runs through the DVD recorder, which runs into the TV) remote for a mute option before I called him. I also tried turning off those three devices and turning them back on, and I even pulled out the DVR and checked the connections in the back. I have not been my father's daughter for the past 26 years for nothing. Which he learned after he started making suggestions and learned I had already done all of them. So I wound up unplugging it for a minute and that seemed to reboot it and it works now. But, seriously?! The mute button?! No.

Also, I just watched Shannon put what had to be more than half a cup of sugar on the bowl of Chex she was about to eat. Color me disturbed.

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