Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I went to get my hair cut last night and I was thinking of getting a body wave kind of perm. Not a perm perm like my mom had in the 80s and 90s. I've never had a perm, but I want the front of my hair to be as wavy as the back. Anyway, the girl who was cutting my hair was like, yeah that would do what you want, but it would cost more than $100. Apparently my hair is so long and thick it would take 4 boxes of stuff. Nevermind that then. Also, I don't know why I can never manage to go get my hair trimmed and actually just get a trim. Usually the people are just chop happy and I never wind up losing any less than three inches. So maybe my hair doesn't grow as slowly as I think, since I don't take that into account. And I lost three inches this time because the back was apparently extremely uneven. I was like, I swear I didn't do it to myself! If I had done it myself, it would not have been uneven. Trust. Maybe I should think about spending more than $20 on my hair...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah. I concur.