Friday, January 09, 2009


My taste buds are back. Just in time for me to burn them with some chai. Oops. So, I know you kids know about how I have that weirdness where sometimes my eyelids get red and puffy and start peeling. It used to be only in the winter, but now it's just whenever they feel like it. I have had a couple of different prescriptions for it, some from my regular doctor and some from the eye doctor. Neither of them seemed to know what really causes it, but that didn't stop them from giving me corticosteroids and antibiotic ointments. Both of which really help, but since you should not use those for long... Anyway, when I went to the dermatologist a while back, he was also uncertain as to what it is (Which, seriously? Why must I have such ridiculous skin problems that even specialists in that area can't identify?! The eyelid thing is actually not even the first time I've had a derm be unable to identify something.), but he gave me some Protopic samples, which is something I'd not been given before. I used some for the first time last night and I woke up because my eyelids were burning. They're still burning now, even though I totally washed my face. I asked Shannon what she knew about Protopic, since she was a pharmacy tech for years and also sometimes has medical problems. She said she'd been given that to put on cystic acne. That makes me want to never put it on my eyelids again. And since the doctor gave me samples of it, I didn't even have the info inserts to read, so I looked it up. Apparently after applying Protopic, you should wash yours hands unless that was where you intended to put it. Also, burning, itching or redness are common side effects that go away after using for a couple of days. Really? I'm supposed to continue to put something that my skin is obviously protesting on my person? I think not, although it depends on how masochistic I am feeling at bedtime.


Unknown said...

Protopic is for the treatment of atopic dermatitis... aka something you're allergic to that affects your skin (Kind of like eczema), and is an immunosuppressant. And you're right it is likely to cause burning and redness, but usually that goes away the longer you use it. I mean don't use it if you don't want to... I'm just saying.

Andrea Benz said...

Yeah, but how long do you have to use it for it to go away? 'Cause I know I'm not supposed to use for very long each time I have to use it...And really, how I am supposed to know when I can not use it since my symptoms before I start using it include redness and occasionally burning?

Unknown said...

Well I don't know... It's up to you really since basically it's the same as using the steroids. I mean they do the same thing.

Andrea Benz said...

Right, except for the part where steroids don't make my eyes burn for an entire day when I use them. Steroids for the win!

Unknown said...

Well don't use them then! No one said you had to!