Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fun times at work

The other day at work, a guy who works at the center we just took over in New York called for me and while I was on the phone with him, I was like, hey, we have the same name, as his name was Andrew. I don't know why I said this, because I'm usually not as dumb at work, but then I was like, it means manly. He was like, that's good for me, but not so good or you. And then he was like, I'm sure you're very womanly. I was like, I was not really questioning the level of my femininity, but ok. It was really weird because he emphasized the very, like a lot. And then I think he realized how weird the conversation had gotten because we were both quiet for a minute. And then we got off the phone. I felt really stupid when I had to call him back a few minutes later with some information. Yeah, I'm super professional all the time...which is good because we've all been working way more than 8 hours a day lately. ;)


Unknown said...

That's kind of funny... And I'd say you're womanly. I will not emphasize with very because I am not creepy.

Important said...

i miss working and not having to watch police stories and judge judy all day. be warned normal poeple, retirement (unemployment) is just as challenging as any kind of endurance event.